Have you ever personally received a massage? The initial slightly painful feeling gives way to a very soothing experience that leaves you in great comfort Dog training programs Houston. But have you ever considered that your dog too could benefit from a massage? The size of your dog does not really matter, as all dogs will definitely enjoy receiving a soothing rub.
If you would like to give your dog a good rub-down, there are some things you should take into consideration.
Choose a suitable site
The place you choose for your dog massage is very important. Ensure that it is quiet and away from distractions. This is even more important when you are still making your dog get used to being so touched. Some dogs are so hyper-sensitive that keeping them still may prove to be quite a challenge. You will find it almost impossible to give a dog massage when such a pet is distracted every now and then.
How to start your dog massage
There must be some kinds of touch that your canine friend is already familiar with, which are what you should begin your dog massage with. Rub each area before moving into another one. This means that you should have a mental picture of your movements so that you know the areas you have worked on and the ones that still remain. When massaging your dog, you should focus on a particular area of its body at a time.
Some ways to give a dog massage
When giving your dog a rub, there are some movements you should use. These include circular motions, kneading, tickles, and light scratches. Start by moving along the grain of the dog’s coat before going in the opposite direction.
You will have a greater impact when you accompany your movements with a soothing voice.
Try to avoid any sudden movements that will interfere with the prevailing quiet mood. You should also let one of your hands to rest on your pet throughout the massaging session.
Watch how your dog reacts in every step of the way. Whenever you notice some resistance, respect your dog’s wish and stop that particular movement. You should strive to work on every part, including the ears, pads, and paws.
What’s the appropriate length of a dog massage session?
There are really no specifics here. This will largely depend on both your dog and yourself. You can do it as long as your dog is willing to be rubbed – so long as you can also continue the session in comfort. Whether it is a few minutes or an hour, what is more important is the quality of time you spend with your canine friend.
There are chances that your dog will be asleep by the time you finish your session. In such a case, just let it enjoy its nap. However, if it wants to get right into action, don’t stop it either.