Ease of oral expression and language mastery It is essential, not only in acting before the Courts, but also when serving clients. It is important to have in-depth knowledge of the topic in question and also know how to express it clearly and precisely Law Tutor. Anyone can learn to speak fluently over years of legal practice. However, whoever possesses this aptitude innately will have an advantage over others.
Habit or aptitude for reading comprehension We lawyers have to read constantly and it is essential to quickly and efficiently understand what we read. Those who do not have these two qualities will not be able, on many occasions, to meet the demands that this profession requires.
Sociability This component is essential for the commercialization of our work. We can be valid and reliable lawyers, but we must market our work, we must know how to sell ourselves. Self-confident, communicative and extroverted people always have greater professional success than those who are not.
Discipline and order We must continually be attentive to expiration dates, prescriptions, unavoidable dates, etc. To do this, we must know how to plan efficiently, be disciplined and orderly. Good planning allows us to do many more things in less time.
Flexibility and spontaneity The search for alternative solutions is important. In the trial it is essential not to stick to the schemes that we have studied. In most trials we must improvise, since witnesses, experts, complainants, defendants, etc., can change their statements in the courtroom.
Have good psychology Sometimes we do the work more like psychologists than lawyers. We must have the ability to listen to our peers and thus be able to find a solution and adjust to the client’s demands. Some issues require the lawyer to get involved in the problem and be able to empathize. The client will appreciate it, they will feel understood and you will give them the confidence that they look for in a professional.
Have a conciliatory and diplomatic character Fundamental to face difficult clients, or those who require humane treatment that the case requires.
Be able to act self-sufficiently On many occasions, we are faced with issues that we have not seen before. We must know how to search for appropriate information quickly. With the appearance of the Internet and new technologies, the important thing is no longer to know, but to know where the appropriate source of information is located.